Admirable, but incorrect thinking
Newspaper: Norrköpings Tidning and Östgöta Correspondenten
Photo by: Hans Martin Espegren
Original author: Petronella Uebel
Translated and adapted by: Pontus Engström
MTI’s co-founder and CEO Pontus Engstrom, PhD, was interviewed in Swedish Norrköpings Tidning and Östgöta Correspondenten about an investment made by the Swedish Church in a housing project in Kenya that has struggled a lot. For original, please click here.
”It was an admirable attempt..it is easy to go wrong, and it is easy to be wise afterwards, but a lesson learnt is that you should not put all eggs in one basket.”
MTI has so far invested USD 4 million, all private money, and created 1000s of sustainable income generating jobs. 400 Maasai women deliver milk to a milk producer, 500 women have been educated into make-up artists, hundreds collect waste on the beaches of Zanzibar, and are engaged in recycling, hundreds of workers help build houses and offices, thousands of farmers in Mwanza etc. Development needs more growing SMEs and less microenterprises.