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Visit from MTI Investment

MTI investment team talking with people around a table

Visit from MTI Investment

Monday 19th of February 2018 the Norwegian Ambassador in Tanzania Hanne-Marie Kaarstad hosted a meeting with MTI Investments and a business delegation from Norway and Sweden to discuss the economic situation and business environment in Tanzania.

A group of investors, local partners and potential investors from MTI Investment met the Ambassador Hanne-Marie Kaarstad at her residence as part of their program in Tanzania.

“MTI” – Swahili for tree – is a Tanzanian/Nordic Investment company who, through their University-based network, invests in businesses to help them increase their profit and growth rate. They solely invest in local companies and focus on small and middle-sized enterprises. The company has successfully invested in Tanzanian companies from different sectors – ranging from cosmetics to construction. One example of a prosperous investment done is in Zanrec, a Zanzibar based waste- management company that handle all daily waste produced at Zanzibar in a sustainable manner. Pontus Engström, CEO of MTI, emphasized that the success in this investment is not only due to profitability, as Zanrec also contribute with substantial environmental – and social impact.

The embassy briefed the group on relevant information regarding the economic situation and business environment in Tanzania, and highlighted both relevant challenges and opportunities for the Investment company and its partners.

For original article, please click here >